Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Kitty Kitty Meow Meow!

I'm just in a fuzzy furball mood this morning! I realized I had several kitties favorited in my flickr (I love you flickr) and thought I would share them!

My Fave Cats

1. Untitled, 2. 100_2954, 3. Muffi, 4. Cosmo & Jessie - We are da management!, 5. loki, 6. thinker #3

And of course, I can't leave off a photo of my charmers!

November 011


kelly o! said...

pretty kitties! Seeing the picture of your charmers gives a bit of insight to what you like about the pictures in your flickr favorites!

Hey, thanks for the recent tagging! I finally got a reply put up. This old dog's definitely needing to learn some new tricks!


kelly o! said...

See what I mean?! I forgot to add this: http://refibered.blogspot.com/2008/08/tagged.html